Tweeting to win: Social media and casino marketing

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CLSA U Blue Book



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Gambling has been an integral part of human society for millennia. The fascinating thing about gambling is that, like culture itself, it is always evolving. Even technological advances that have nothing to do with the immediate apparatus of gambling change the ways that people gamble. This is especially true with the rise of the internet and mobile connectivity, which have increased the speed and scope of casinos' marketing efforts to win new customers.

Casinos are moving gingerly into the social-media arena. Thei is a difficult medum for them to engage, simply because of its uncontrollable nature. Traditionally, casino resort managers like to maintain tight control over "the message" that media channels broadcast about their property.

On the other hand, Twitter has become a necessary channel for corporate communications. With over 65m tweets sent a day, there's simply too much talk on this channel for companies with public images to ignore. Of the companies covered in the micro study, there was still great growth potential for Twitter use, which may serve to increase customer satisfaction and positive word of mouth. Another form of social media, online social games, is becoming an increasingly attractive avenue for casino managements — if they use them correctly.

Finally, with the proliferation of user-generated travel-rating sites, prospective guests have a great deal more information about Las Vegas casinos at their fingertips. For investors, these sites, properly analyzed, can provide a window into how well casinos are delivering on their promises of flawless customer service. If there are problems, it is possible, for the first time, for outside observers to get word of them at nearly the same time as management.


Casinos – Marketing; Gambling – Technological innovations; Gambling industry; Social media


Advertising and Promotion Management | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Gaming and Casino Operations Management | Hospitality Administration and Management | Marketing | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Technology and Innovation




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Publisher Citation

Schwartz, David. (2010). Tweeting to win: Social media and casino marketing. New York: CLS
