Maps and Related Cartographic Materials: Cataloging, Classification, and Bibliographic Control

Document Type

Book Review

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OLAC Newsletter


Online Audiovisual Catalogers





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This book was co-published simultaneously as volume 27, numbers 1-2 and 3-4, 1999, of Cataloging and Classification Quarterly. The only difference between the book and the combined issues of the journal is that the book has an index. Of course, another advantage to buying the book is that one can keep the book at hand to refer to while leaving all the issues of the journal together. This book's main sections cover MARC tags for cataloging cartographic materials, an overview of map cataloging, cataloging specific types of material such as map series and serials, globes, geologic sections, printed atlases, and aerial photographs and other remote-sensing images, cataloging early cartographic material, metadata and cataloging digital cartographic material, classification and the assigning of subject headings to cartographic material, retrospective conversion of map collections, and cataloging cartographic material in archives. The editors have also included a table of acronyms. The authors of some of the chapters in the book refer the reader to other chapters in the book, which is useful, and is a feature not usually found in books in which the chapters are written by different authors.


Books – Reviews; Cataloging of maps


Cataloging and Metadata | Geographic Information Sciences | Geography | Library and Information Science | Other Geography | Physical and Environmental Geography




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Publisher Citation

Rankin, K. (2000). Maps and related cartographic materials: Cataloging, classification and bibliographic control, Information Bulletin, Western Association of Map Libraries, 32, 48.

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