"Collaborating with faculty to "start up" an open access journal" by Marianne A. Buehler

Meeting name

American Library Association

Meeting location

Washington, DC

Document Type


Publication Date



University faculty have ongoing pressure to publish their research findings and teaching successes and produce scholarship worthy of tenure. Acceptance to publish an article in a journal can be highly competitive and in some fields of study, there are few journal publication options. With the advent of open access (OA) publishing opportunities, academic libraries are fulfilling a need by supporting sustainable models of scholarly communication that include collaborating with faculty and editors to “start up” an OA journal or convert a traditional print journal to OA. Some faculty would prefer to transcend the traditional publishing model and may not be aware of available OA publishing opportunities or know the route to become a journal editor. Libraries can provide additional support for faculty to “spin a new journal into the gold publishing model” and transcend an existing print journal into the “green model” of a sustainable OA publication.


Academic libraries -- Relations with faculty and curriculum; Communication in learning and scholarship; Gold publishing; Green publishing; Libraries and publishing; Open access journals; Open access publishing; Scholarly communication; Scholarly electronic publishing; Scholarly publishing; Toll access


Collection Development and Management | Library and Information Science | Scholarly Communication | Scholarly Publishing

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License

Publisher Citation

Buehler, M. A. (2010, June). Collaborating with faculty to “start up” an open access journal. Poster session presented at the conference of the American Library Association, Washington, DC.
