"Stories to Empower Our Communities: Promoting Diverse LGBTQIA+ Narrati" by Amanda Melilli, Alicia G. Vaandering et al.

Meeting name

2023 American Library Association Annual Conference & Exhibition

Meeting location

Chicago, Illinois

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Do you want to move past marking that diversity checkbox and take your LGBTQIA+ collection development to the next level? As seen through the work of Diverse BookFinder, how historically underrepresented identities are portrayed in our collections is just as important as increasing the number of books depicting these identities. This presentation moves beyond asking if there is LGBTQIA+ representation in recently published picture books and instead explores the more complex questions of who is being represented, in what ways, to what extent, and why each type of narrative is important to children and their families. Join us to gain a better understanding of the current landscape of LGBTQIA+ representation in picture books and learn about new tools designed by the presenters to help you develop and advocate for rich collections that feature an array of authentic LGBTQIA+ stories.

Learning Objectives:

• Upon completion, participant will be able to articulate the importance of each type of LGBTQIA+ narrative found in picture books in order to advocate for holistic representation in their collections.
• Upon completion, participant will be able to assess their picture book collections using advanced analysis tools in order to critically develop and promote authentic LGBTQIA+ representation in their collections.
• Upon completion, participant will be able to evaluate the LGBTQIA+ representation within individual picture books in order to recommend texts based on library user and/or programming needs.

Controlled Subject

Literary criticism; Picture books for children; Representations of groups


Critical and Cultural Studies | Gender and Sexuality | Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication | Inequality and Stratification | Library and Information Science | Publishing

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File Size

7000 KB



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
