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About the Collection
This collection contains graduate student theses and dissertations from the UNLV Department of Mechanical Engineering. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV theses and dissertations across all programs, visit the UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones collection.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Development of Methylammonium Lead Tribromide for Detectors of Ionizing Radiation, Kaleab Ayalew
Heat Transfer Enhancement in Heat Exchangers Using Compound Enhancement, Mouhsine Benmbarek
Experiment Development and Validation of a Granular Jamming Robotic Gripper, Jacob R. Dowd
Understanding Failure Mechanisms for Two Colorectal Anastomosis Techniques, Youssef Sherif Sadek Fahmy
Remote Detection of Leaks in High Level Waste Storage Tanks, Hunter Frey
Predicting the Response of an Underactuated, 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand, Lucas Gallup
Performance Effects of Dissociated Hydrogen in Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Engines, Richard Adam Gorrell
Investigative Research on Design Parameters and Criticality Models for Microreactors, Cameron Jensen
Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Capacities of Unmodified Biochar Derived From the Great Basin Desert Ecosystem, Emma Letourneau
The Role of Surfactant Adsorption in Boiling Dynamics, Mario Mata Arenales
Reproducible Research Data Pipelines – Case Study of Bubble Collapse in Subcooled Nucleate Pool Boiling, Blake Naccarato
Investigation Ionic Polymer Metal Composite Capacitors through Fabrication, Experimentation, and Modeling, Liya S. Napollion
Development of a Passive Drag Reduction Modification for the 25° Ahmed Body using Large Eddy Simulation, Skylar Polek
Dynamic Model of an Overhead Crane, Leonard Ruesga
Removal Capabilities of Zeolite and Zero Valent Iron With High-Level Waste Tank Radionuclides and Metals: Cesium, Strontium and Chromium, Colette R. Towles
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
High-Yield Bioinspired Atmospheric Water Capture Through Hydrogels, Yiwei Gao
Metastability and Degradation in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin-Film Solar Cells, Mohsen Jahandardoost
Time-Dependent Wetting Behavior of Hydrogels, Amir Kashani
Development of Pre-Magnetized Magnetorheological Elastomer for Bidirectionally Variable Stiffness Applications, Choonghan Lee
Development and Characterization of Lead & Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cell Materials, Rubaiya Murshed
Engineered Biomass-Derived Carbon Adsorbents for Targeted Contaminant Remediation from Aqueous Environments, Suraj Venkat Pochampally
Numerical Investigations of sCO2 Compressor Aerothermodynamics Using a Streamline Curvature Based Throughflow Method, Victor Quintanilla
A One-Dimensional Analysis of a Microbial Fuel Cell for Efficient Acetate Removal and Power Density Output, David Rouhani
Towards CFD Investigations into Particulate Air Pollution of a Desert Urban Environment, Prosun Roy