Call for Proposals

The Nevada Conference on Digital Learning seeks proposals for interactive and engaging presentations related to changes and innovations in all aspect of eLearning and digital learning. Proposals should relate to the this year’s conference themes and address the unique challenges and opportunities with the delivery, support, evaluation, and management of digital teaching and learning in the state of Nevada.

• Technology & Emerging Learning Environments • Learning Effectiveness • Faculty/Professional Development & Support • Student Services & Learner Support • K-12 Online Education For details on conference themes and a partial list of topic ideas please view Conference Themes. PRESENTATION TYPES
Concurrent Sessions: A formal, 20-minute presentation as lecture or demonstration. A period of time, after the conclusion, will be reserved for questions.

Panel Discussion: A formal, one-hour session by a minimum of three presenters collaborating on a specific topic in order to clarify, evaluate, or increase understanding of the topic.

Roundtable Discussion: A short, informal presentation followed by an open dialogue designed for giving/receiving targeted feedback, engaging in discussions, and meeting colleagues with similar interests. Participants will rotate at least one time each session.

Research Poster: Individuals offer a paper poster that presents original research in a visual manner. The poster should summarize the research in a clear, concise, and graphic format.

Proposals for Concurrent Sessions, Panel Discussions, Roundtable Discussions, and Research Posters must include the following information:
• Lead Presenter (plus contact information) • Co-Presenter (if applicable) • Institutional Affiliation • Conference Theme • Presentation Type (concurrent presentation, panel, roundtable, poster) • Title (10 words max) • Presentation Description (250 words max) • Keywords • Suggested Audience (administrator, course designer, faculty, other) PROPOSAL DEADLINE IS JANUARY 10, 2014, 11:59 PM (EST).

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Organized, well-delivered presentations covering topics of practical value to attendees’ day-to-day work are desired. Reviewers look for clear descriptions, and considerable weight is given to proposals that specify session learning objectives and describe how the content will be valuable to attendees.

A competitive proposal will exhibit the following characteristics:
• Title is short, yet accurately describes the presentation content • Presentation description provides a clear goals/objectives statement, as well as an accurate outline of the entire presentation. • The Presentation Type selected matches the Presentation Description. • The Keywords match the Presentation Description and are appropriate for the Suggested Audience. Other (bonus) characteristics would include:
• Evidence that the presentation will demonstrate a clear connection to digital learning, digital teaching and/or technology in education; • Strategy for actively engaging the audience; • Information about actionable outcomes, such as practices that can be brought back to home institutions, or demonstrated outcomes of an idea or practice. ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATIONS
Presenters will be notified by email if their proposals have been accepted or not. We will place session descriptions on the conference web site at the same time. This will help potential attendees evaluate the value of the conference to them, as well as which sessions would be appropriate to their interests.

For additional questions, please contact Dr. Ed Nagelhout at

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