Public Lands Institute Faculty Articles | Public Lands Institute | University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Included here are articles written by faculty about the work being done by the Public Lands Institute.


Submissions from 2012


A synthesis of aquatic science for management of Lakes Mead and Mohave: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1381, Michael R. Rosen, Kent Turner, Steven L. Goodbred, and Jennell M. Miller

Submissions from 2010

Overnight Hiking, Daniel L. Chase Ph.D.

Orienteering and Geocaching, Daniel L. Chase Ph.D., Jeff Steffen Ph.D., and Jim Stiehl Ph.D.

Phylogeography of declining relict and lowland leopard frogs in the desert Southwest of North America. Journal of Zoology, V. Olah-Hemmings, Jef R. Jaeger Ph.D., M. J. Sredl, M. A. Schlaepfer, R. D. Jennings, C. A. Drost, David F. Bradford, and Brett R. Riddle