"Re-evaluation of the Main Ridge Site and Adjacent Areas: Final Report," by Margaret N. Rees

Document Type


Publication Date



Public Lands Institute

Publisher Location

Las Vegas (Nev.)

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• Completed an Annotated Bibliography and Finder’s Guide detailing the documentation that was found associated with the 1924-1941 work at Lost City.

• Completed maps and condition assessments for all existing Houses at the Main Ridge locality.

• Conducted test excavations at the Main Ridge locality, and analyzed chipped stone, ceramic, macrobotanical, and pollen remains recovered from those excavations.

• Completed a report on the results of the field excavations, titled Main Ridge 2006 Research Project: Condition Assessments, Test Excavations, and Data Analyses for the UNLV Fall 2006 Field School.

• Completed skeletal analyses for 37 sets of human remains from the Lost City sites, and dental analyses for 53 sets of teeth from various Lost City human remains. These analyses were reported upon in two reports submitted to the NPS GTR: Skeletal Analysis of the Lost City Remains, and Dental Health and Population Affinity among the Lowland Virgin Anasazi: Cursory Descriptions and Preliminary Results.

• Eight presentations to professional audiences have been made or are scheduled; seven outreach activities have been made or are scheduled; three papers have been submitted or are being prepared for submission to academic publications; one thesis is in progress; and an additional academic study is underway.

Controlled Subject

Archaeological assemblages; Archaeological surveying; Archaeology; Archaeological excavations; Archaeological human remains; Indians of North America; Antiquities; Databases; Nevada; Lost City; Archaeological plant remains


Anthropology | Archaeological Anthropology | Social and Behavioral Sciences

File Format


File Size

138 KB




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