"Limnological Assistance for the Lake Mead National Recreation Area in " by Margaret N. Rees

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Public Lands Institute

Publisher Location

Las Vegas (Nev.)

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Project 1: Technical input has been provided at eight advisory team meetings attended this quarter. Broad, overarching “Issues of Concern” developed for the Boulder Basin Adaptive Management Plan are currently under review by Drs. David Wong and Shawn Gerstenberger. A Selenium Management Plan is also under review.

Project 2: Data collected by the Southern Nevada Water Authority has been synthesized to summarize bacteria counts in high-use areas of Lakes Mead and Mohave. This information will be documented and interpreted for management use in a formal report in the upcoming quarter.

Project 3: A draft document titled “Suggested Standard Methods for Interagency Long-Term Quagga Mussel Monitoring in Lake Mead” has been delivered and presented to the interagency team for review and edits. This document will serve as a portion of a larger, ecological monitoring plan relevant to quagga mussel invasion.

Project 4: Data mining for Lake Mead benthos has been initiated and is underway.

Project 5: Symposium planning is well underway and on schedule for delivery in January 2009. Sponsorship of $7,500 has been committed by Southern Nevada Water Authority.

Project 6 Interagency “Water 2025” Team meetings continue to be coordinated and built for eventual input into the ecological monitoring plan for Lakes Mead and Mohave.

Controlled Subject

Benthos; Dreissena; Freshwater ecology; Introduced aquatic organisms; Limnology; Quagga mussel; Selenium; United States – Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Water quality; Zebra mussel


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Monitoring | Environmental Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Life Sciences | Natural Resources and Conservation | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

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File Size

429 KB




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