Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Publisher Location

Golden, CO

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Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, have vast potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions in the electric sector. Climate change concerns, state initiatives including renewable portfolio standards, and consumer efforts are resulting in increased deployments of both technologies. Both solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind energy have variable and uncertain (sometimes referred to as “intermittent”) output, which are unlike the dispatchable sources used for the majority of electricity generation in the United States. The variability of these sources has led to concerns regarding the reliability of an electric grid that derives a large fraction of its energy from these sources as well as the cost of reliably integrating large amounts of variable generation into the electric grid. Because the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine at any given location, there has been an increased call for the deployment of energy storage as an essential component of future energy systems that use large amounts of variable renewable resources. However, this often-characterized “need” for energy storage to enable renewable integration is actually an economic question. The answer requires comparing the options to maintain the required system reliability, which include a number of technologies and changes in operational practices. The amount of storage or any other “enabling” technology used will depend on the costs and benefits of each technology relative to the other available options.

To determine the potential role of storage in the grid of the future, it is important to examine the technical and economic impacts of variable renewable energy sources. It is also important to examine the economics of a variety of potentially competing technologies including demand response, transmission, flexible generation, and improved operational practices. In addition, while there are clear benefits of using energy storage to enable greater penetration of wind and solar, it is important to consider the potential role of energy storage in relation to the needs of the electric power system as a whole.

In this report, we explore the role of energy storage in the electricity grid, focusing on the effects of large-scale deployment of variable renewable sources (primarily wind and solar energy). We begin by discussing the existing grid and the current role that energy storage has in meeting the constantly varying demand for electricity, as well as the need for operating reserves to achieve reliable service. The impact of variable renewables on the grid is then discussed, including how these energy sources will require a variety of enabling techniques and technologies to reach their full potential. Finally, we evaluate the potential role of several forms of enabling technologies, including energy storage.

Controlled Subject

Smart power grids; Energy facilities--Reliability; Energy storage; Renewable energy sources; Solar energy; Wind power


Oil, Gas, and Energy | Power and Energy | Sustainability

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1400 KB




NREL Report No. TP-6A2-47187


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