Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member
Robert Boehm
Second Committee Member
Woosoon Yim
Third Committee Member
Yitung Chen
Fourth Committee Member
Yahia Baghzouz
Number of Pages
Residential solar thermal system installations have been significantly increasing in the last decade and there exists limited resources for reasonably predicting the performance of those systems. A simulated model is developed in MATLAB® and used to predict the performance of a solar domestic water heating system. In the simulated system, hot water is generated using evacuated tube solar collectors and stored in a domestic hot water storage tank, which utilizes immersed coil heat exchangers. The system is designed to provide hydronic radiant floor heating to its occupants based on the heat loss of a building energy model for an energy-efficient home. Performance characteristics of the components from well-known manufacturers are utilized where available. Some of the parameters are easily changeable so that several manufacturers' characteristics could be compared using the model. The system's sensitivity to tank thermal stratification and tank size are investigated. For solar intermittencies, the energy required for auxiliary domestic water heating is determined by the model as well. Some empirical investigations of two sets of evacuated tube collectors were used to compare the validity of the model. Results are presented in terms of temperatures and heat gains.
Dual coil heat exchanger; Dwellings – Energy conservation; Efficiency equation; Energy consumption; Incidence angle modifier; Radiant floor heating; Residential solar thermal; Solar heating; Solar houses; Solar water heaters; System simulation; Thermal stratification
Energy Systems | Mechanical Engineering | Oil, Gas, and Energy | Sustainability
File Format
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Repository Citation
Hammer, Kimberly Nicole, "Predicting the Performance of a Solar Domestic Water Heating System with Evacuated Tube Collectors and Hydronic Radiant Flooring" (2013). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 1833.
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