Award Date


Degree Type

Professional Paper

Degree Name

Master of Hospitality Administration


Hotel Administration


The hospitality industry in Las Vegas is a business that relies heavily on the competences of their employees. Unique to this industry, is the delivery of experiences rather than actual products or tangible goods. Due to the nature of this business, management styles, employee retention and standards of the employees are of the utmost importance to employers (Faldetta, Fasone and Provenzano, 2013). In summary, the stability among employees becomes an essential characteristic of the positive functionality of a hospitality organization. The irony in this is that high, employee turnover rates are common to these corporations. Employee turnover is a component of the business that has a negative impact on the industry and corporate culture (Choi, 2006). In addition, not only is current state of employee turnover in the industry not desirable, but future employees, also known as millennials have different motivates for loyalty with a company. Millennials are those born in 1982 or later and represent the most racially diverse generation, as well as the fastest growing sector of the workforce (Curtin et al, 2012). Employers must understand what motivates them and as well as strategies to retain them (Broadbridge, Maxwell, Ogden 2010).


Employees--Turnover; Generation Y; Turnover (Business)--Employees


Hospitality Administration and Management | Human Resources Management

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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