Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Public Health
First Committee Member
Courtney Coughenour
Second Committee Member
Francisco Sy
Third Committee Member
Jennifer Pharr
Fourth Committee Member
Timothy Bungum
Fifth Committee Member
Tina Vo
Number of Pages
Background-School Gardens (SG) have been used in student programming to help achieve many goals that include increasing academic achievement, improving nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, increasing physical activity rates, instilling eco-consciousness, and increasing student and community engagement. To date, garden programs have predominantly been evaluated by case control studies examining pilot or informal short term implementation without consideration of garden program longevity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of SGs on student knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to nutrition and physical activity, examine student connection to the garden, and to identify stakeholder perceptions of best practices in using the SG as a parent engagement tool. Methods- This study utilized a mixed methods approach. Three groups of student participants were evaluated, 1) those without any exposure to a SG (control), 2) students in a school with a new SG, and 3) students in a school with a well-established, long running, SG program. A quasi-experimental design was used to examine student nutrition knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, physical activity behaviors, and attitudes towards the SG. Student group and grade level differences were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA, and paired T-Tests were used to measure changes in students before and after the first year of garden implantation. To understand the role that SGs play in parent engagement and perceived impacts to student health and educational outcomes, stakeholder interviews were conducted with eight educators and eight parents. The survey tool utilized the Social Ecological framework and the data was analyzed through inductive thematic analysis. Results-Results found increases in nutrition knowledge (t(92)= -5.76, p
Parent Engagement; School Garden Education; Social Ecological Model
Education | Environmental Education | Sustainability
File Format
File Size
2000 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Repository Citation
Malik, Sabina, "School Gardens as a Tool to Improve Student Health Outcomes and Increase Parent Engagement in the Clark County School District" (2020). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 4007.
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