Digital Scholarship@UNLV - UNLV Libraries-Greater Western Library Alliance Conference: Faculty institute on research based-learning in high impact courses



University of Nevada Las Vegas, Greenspun Hall

Start Date

14-3-2011 4:30 PM

End Date

14-3-2011 4:30 PM


In Spring 2009, the Library Advisory Board agreed to fund a proposal for the Libraries to collaborate with campus partners to provide support to faculty who were faced with several initiatives that impact the way faculty deliver their course content, develop their assignments and assess their success. These initiatives include the movement to large enrollment classes, especially for large impact, core courses; the redesign of the general education requirements around universal learning outcomes; and, enhancing the first-year experience for incoming students. There is no single entity on campus in a position to provide the faculty support and development needed.

The Libraries collaborated with several campus partners, OIT, Office of Academic Assessment, Teaching and Learning Center, and the Provost's Office to create an Institute for faculty who are teaching large enrollment, first-year courses. Particular courses were targeted, a brochure was created, and a committee began working on the curriculum of the Institute. A primary goal of the Institute was to embed library resources into research-based learning, so Liaison Librarians were included as full participants in the Institute. Sixteen faculty members and 8 Liaison Librarians participated in the Institute, which was held January 4-6,2010. Two follow-up, half day sessions are scheduied for Spring semester 2010.


Education; Higher – Curricula; Education; Higher – Standards; Libraries and education; Library orientation


Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Education Policy | Library and Information Science | Policy Design, Analysis, and Evaluation




Supplemental material


Mar 14th, 4:30 PM Mar 14th, 4:30 PM

Faculty institute on research based-learning in high impact courses

University of Nevada Las Vegas, Greenspun Hall

In Spring 2009, the Library Advisory Board agreed to fund a proposal for the Libraries to collaborate with campus partners to provide support to faculty who were faced with several initiatives that impact the way faculty deliver their course content, develop their assignments and assess their success. These initiatives include the movement to large enrollment classes, especially for large impact, core courses; the redesign of the general education requirements around universal learning outcomes; and, enhancing the first-year experience for incoming students. There is no single entity on campus in a position to provide the faculty support and development needed.

The Libraries collaborated with several campus partners, OIT, Office of Academic Assessment, Teaching and Learning Center, and the Provost's Office to create an Institute for faculty who are teaching large enrollment, first-year courses. Particular courses were targeted, a brochure was created, and a committee began working on the curriculum of the Institute. A primary goal of the Institute was to embed library resources into research-based learning, so Liaison Librarians were included as full participants in the Institute. Sixteen faculty members and 8 Liaison Librarians participated in the Institute, which was held January 4-6,2010. Two follow-up, half day sessions are scheduied for Spring semester 2010.