The Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education published its final volume in 2014. All previously published articles continue to be available here as open access publications.
The Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education is a peer-reviewed journal published once/twice a year by the Center for Multicultural Education at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. The journal is committed to publishing manuscripts written by Pre-K-16 teachers and higher education researchers that embody the true definition of praxis. The journal demonstrates teacher learning through a dialectical union of reflection and action.
Current Issue: Volume 9, Number 1 (2014)
Yes, Actually Subjugation Is A Vocabulary Word
Susan E. Dwoskin Ms.
Multicultural Curriculum in Rural Early Childhood Programs
Lydiah Nganga Dr.
Understanding English Language Learners: Incorporating Our Own Cultural Narratives in TESOL Education
Burcu Ates, Soonhyang Kim, and Yurimi Grigsby
Productive Confusion: Advancing Intercultural Perspectives Through A Multicultural Professional Development Program For Educational Leaders
Jack Frawley, Kim Anh Dang, and Daravone Kittiphanh