Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction


Curriculum & Instruction

Advisor 1

Steven McCafferty, Committee Chair

First Committee Member

John Butcher

Second Committee Member

P.G. Schrader

Graduate Faculty Representative

Kathleen Krach

Number of Pages



The purpose of this research study was to explore my adult English as a second language (ESL) student's experiences with technology as a method of improving English acquisition. The area of computer assisted language learning (CALL) is increasingly becoming important within the second language learning arena. As the expansion of available technology continues to increase, insight into opinions about the effectiveness of CALL and specifically those opinions of the actual users will be needed.

As an instructor of adult ESL students, my study focused on providing information about my student's use of technology for future personal classroom praxis. This research aimed at obtaining and analyzing actual CALL user's opinions by asking the following questions: (1) Do adult ESL students enjoy using technology as a method of English language acquisition? (2) Are computers and other online technological resources useful or constraining to adult students? and (3) Which programs and software are adult ESL students choosing to use for English language learning and their reasons for this selection?

The most substantial findings of the study were that my adult ESL students enjoy using technology and are comfortable doing so as a method of English acquisition.


Adult students; Classroom technology; Computer assisted language learning (CALL); English as a second language (ESL); English language learners (ELL)


Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching | Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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