"The Casaloma" by Justin P. Burnside

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing



Advisor 1

Claudia Keelan, Committee Chair

First Committee Member

Don Revell

Second Committee Member

Douglas Unger

Graduate Faculty Representative

Guiseppe Natale,

Number of Pages



The Casaloma was written to challenge held beliefs in what constitutes genre, what constitutes "selfhood," and what constitutes borders.

First, it is an examination of Rimbaud's famous line, "I is an other," which challenges the position of the "I" in relation not only to the self, but the self in relation to the world around it. This I call the poetics of the pre-positional, or prepositional relationship. This poetics is explored and tested through the voices, and the suigenerous nature of the material that constitutes the book.

Secondly, this book is meant to be an exploration of ideas that were brought to the forefront by the modern and postmodern movements in literature. I have attempted to move the reader through these movements by employing a narrative form. It is my hope that the end of the book moves us toward something entirely new, in the way we approach writing, in the way we shape form, and in the way we view our world. Finally, I have attempted to do away with the idea of writing as "craft," an idea I believe is false. In its place I have tried to suggest that writing is something that is shaped, that it is more about finding the shape of the poem, of the story, of the dramatic piece, than it is forcing a piece to be what it is not.


Drama; Original writing; Poems; Prepositional Poetics; Self in literature


American Literature | Creative Writing

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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