Award Date

December 2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education

First Committee Member

Jenna Weglarz-Ward

Second Committee Member

Joshua Baker

Third Committee Member

Joseph Morgan

Fourth Committee Member

Micah Stohlmann

Number of Pages



PreK children with developmental delays in inclusive classrooms need access to math interventions helps them develop foundational math skills that are needed to succeed during their K-12 education. Research is significantly lacking that addresses increasing math skills for children with disabilities in PreK classrooms. The purpose of this study was to examine how using activity-based intervention (ABI) increases one-to-one correspondence for children with disabilities in an inclusive classroom. A single subject multiple probe design across participants was implemented to embed one-to-one correspondence math goals into daily routines and preferred activities. The participants of the study were two 3–5-year-old children categorized as having a developmental delay under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and enrolled in the school district’s IDEA Part B 619 program. Research was conducted in a public PreK inclusive classroom which consisted of 18 students, eight of which were children with disabilities in the AM session and 16 students, six of which were children with disabilities in the PM session. A lead teacher and special education teacher’s aide were in the classroom. The findings indicated an increase in one-to-one correspondence for the children with disabilities and the participants continued to be included in the activities in the classroom. The findings of this study will help teachers in inclusive PreK classrooms target and increase one-to-one correspondence math skills for children with developmental delay.


Activity-based Intervention; Developmental Delay; Embedded Learning Opportunities; Inclusion; One-to-one Correspondence; Routine-based Instruction


Education | Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education | Science and Mathematics Education | Special Education and Teaching

File Format


File Size

3020 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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