Faculty research from the Architecture department.
Submissions from 2019
Reimaging the Arid, Samantha Solano
Urban Farming in Inner-City Multi-Storey Car-Parking Structures: Adaptive Reuse Potential, Monika Szopińska-Mularz and Steffen Lehmann
Bottom Up Social Change: Materials | Buildings | Community: Proceedings of the 2019 Intersections Symposium, Joshua Vermillion
Physical Computing, Prototyping, and Participatory Pedagogies: Make-A-Thon as Interdisciplinary Catalyst for Bottom-Up Social Change, Joshua Vermillion and Alberto de Salvatierra
Submissions from 2018
On the Liminal Fertility between the Sacred and the Profane in the Sin City of Neon Lights, Alberto de Salvatierra and Samantha Solano
Road to Zero Emissions, Alfredo Fernandez-Gonzalez
A Case Study of Urban Design and Mental Health in Las Vegas, Dak Kopec
Intercultural Design: Las Vegas to New Orleans, Dak Kopec
Environmental Psychology for Design, David Alan Kopec
Designed environment for healthy aging, Attila Lawrence
AIA+2030 Online Series Course 5: Employing Passive Systems for Load Reduction, Edward Mazria, Erik Rick Sommerfeld, Pablo La Roche, Amarpreet Sethi, and Alfredo Fernandez- Gonzales
Emeraled Territories, Samantha Solano
Modeling Landscape Performance, Phillip Zawarus
Landscape Arch Design III, Phillip W. Zawarus
Finding the Way: Transformation through Engaged Dialogue and Action, Phillip W. Zawarus and Daniel Ortega
Submissions from 2017
Bay Cove Human Services, Inc. and the Boston Architectural College, Dak Kopec
Chasing Time: The Forgotten History and Evolution of the NAAB Structures Student Performance Criteria, Deborah J. Oakley
Salvadori's Structure in Architecture: The Building of Buildings, Mario G. Salvadori, Robert Heller, and Deborah J. Oakley
Assemblage Studio (Copper Haus, House in 2 Parts, House of Light and Water, J2 Residence), Eric D. Strain
assemblageSTUDIO (J2 Residence), Eric D. Strain
CNC Mediated Representation, Joshua D. Vermillion, Shai Yeshayahu, and Samantha M. Solano
From Scratch: How to Start a Designbuild Program, Eric Weber
City Of Refuge: Separatists and Utopian Town Planning, Janet R. White
The Bethel Colony: Intersections of Culture and Built Form in a Bible Communist Utopia, Janet R. White