On the Use of Stereodynamical Effects to Control Cold Chemical Reactions: The H + D < Inf > 2 < /Inf > ↔ D + Hd Case Study

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Journal of Chemical Physics






Quantum calculations are reported for the stereodynamic control of the H + D2 → D + HD chemical reaction in the energy range of 1-50 K. Stereodynamic control is achieved by a formalism similar to that reported by Perreault et al. [Nat. Chem. 10, 561 (2018)] in recent experimental works in which the alignment of the molecular bond axis relative to the incident relative velocity is controlled by selective preparations of the molecule in a specific or superposition of magnetic projection quantum numbers of the initial molecular rotational level. The approach presented here generalizes the experimental scheme of Perreault et al. and offers additional degree of control through various experimental preparations of the molecular alignment angle. Illustrative results presented for the H + D2 and D + HD reactions show significant control with the possibility of turning the reaction completely on or off with the appropriate stereodynamic preparation of the molecular state. Various scenarios for maximizing and minimizing the reaction outcomes are identified with the selective preparation of molecular rotational states.

Controlled Subject

Chemical reactions; Quantum theory


Biological and Chemical Physics

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