Research from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Department of Criminal Justice Faculty.
Submissions from 2016
Nevada Children’s Mental Health Needs Assessment, Kelly Stout and M. Alexis Kennedy
Is Downsizing Prisons Dangerous?: The Effect of California's Realignment Act on Public Safety Sundt, Salisbury, and Harmon Downsizing Prisons, Jody Sundt, Emily J. Salisbury, and Mark G. Harmon
Interviews with Human Traffickers: Perceptions of Sex and Violence, Emily I. Troshynski MSc., PhD and Jennifer K. Blank MA
Prisoner Reentry in Nevada: Final Report on the Hope for Prisoners Program, Emily I. Troshynski, Margaret A. Kennedy, William H. Sousa, Tamara D. Madensen, and Carolyn Willis
Freak Show: Modern Constructions of Ciceronian Monstra and Foucauldian Monstrosity, Emily Troshynski and Jesse D. Weiner
Broken Windows: The Core Ideas, Michael Wagers, William H. Sousa, and George Kelling
Penny For Your Thoughts? The Protective Effect of Youths’ Attitudes Against Drug Use in High-risk Communities, Emily M. Wright, Abigail A. Fagan, and Gillian M. Pinchevsky
Submissions from 2015
Perceptions of Disorder: Results from Two Las Vegas Tourist Locations, Jonathan M. Birds and William Sousa
International Violence Against Women: Prevalence, Outcomes, and Prevention, Danielle Dirks and Emily I. Troshynski
A Multi-level Analysis of the Impact of Neighborhood Structural and Social Factors on Adolescent Substance Use, Abigail A. Fagan, Emily M. Wright, and Gillian M. Pinchevsky
Exposure to Violence, Substance Use, and Neighborhood Context, Abigail A. Fagan, Emily M. Wright, and Gillian M. Pinchevsky
Configural Behavior Settings of Crime Event Locations Toward an Alternative Conceptualization of Criminogenic Microenvironments, Timothy C. Hart and Terance D. Miethe
CSEC Fast Facts 2014, Margaret A. Kennedy
Political Embeddedness and Its Impact on Chinese Lawyers' Practices in Criminal Defense Cases, Bin Liang, Hong Lu, and Ni He
Review of China's Legal System by Pitman B. Potter, Yudu Li, Hong Lu, and Bin Liang
Data Bases and Statistical Systems: Crime., Clayton Mosher and Terance D. Miethe
An Integrated Theory of Corporate Environmental Compliance and Overcompliance, Melissa Rorie
Responsive Regulation, Melissa L. Rorie
The Thin Green Line: Examining Environmental Regulation and Environmental Offending from Multiple Perspectives, Melissa Rorie, Sara Rinfret, and Michelle Pautz
Program integrity and the principles of gender-responsive interventions: Assessing the context for sustainabl change, Emily J. Salisbury
Diverting Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation From Juvenile Detention: Development of the InterCSECt Screening Protocol, Emily J. Salisbury, Jonathan D. Dabney, and Kelli Russell
The Juvenile Justice System, Randall G. Shelden
Review of Chicago Hustle and Flow: Gangs, Gangsta Rap, and Social Class, Randall G. Shelden
Mobile Technologies and the Spatiotemporal Configuration of Institutional Practice, Irina Shklovski, Emily Troshynski, and Paul Dourish
What Passes for Scholarship These Days: A Response to Broken Windows Critic Bernard Harcourt, William H. Sousa