Digital Scholarship@UNLV - International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking: Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction on Youth Dealers: The Moderating Roles of Work Stress

Session Title

Session 1-3-E: Teaching and the Workplace


jinquan zhouFollow

Presentation Type



Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

Start Date

28-5-2019 1:45 PM

End Date

28-5-2019 3:10 PM


Organization Development


Work-family conflict was generally considered a negative effect on young employees’ job satisfaction especially for some jobs with high work stress. In this paper, we examined Macau youth dealers’ balance of work and family through the evidence among work-family conflict, work stress and job satisfaction using a survey with 450 questionnaires. The results revealed that the work-family conflict had a positive effect on work stress and turnover intention. Especial finding in this paper was not online with outcomes from major researches that there was no significant relationship between job satisfaction and work-family conflict. Work stress had a negative impact on job satisfaction and had a positive effect on turnover intention; work stress had a negative completely intermediary effect among work-family conflict and job satisfaction work and turnover intention; work stress issued from work-family conflict had a positive effect on turnover intention via job satisfaction. Finally, the corresponding measures were put forward to improve young employees’ job satisfaction.


Macau; Youth Dealers;Work family Conflict; Work Stress; Job Satisfaction; Turnover Intention

Author Bios

Associate Professor,Gaming teaching and research Centre, Macau Polytechnic institute, Macau, China, Email:;

Funding Sources

Macau Polytechnic institute [grant number RP/OTHER-/2015]

Competing Interests



May 28th, 1:45 PM May 28th, 3:10 PM

Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction on Youth Dealers: The Moderating Roles of Work Stress

Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

Work-family conflict was generally considered a negative effect on young employees’ job satisfaction especially for some jobs with high work stress. In this paper, we examined Macau youth dealers’ balance of work and family through the evidence among work-family conflict, work stress and job satisfaction using a survey with 450 questionnaires. The results revealed that the work-family conflict had a positive effect on work stress and turnover intention. Especial finding in this paper was not online with outcomes from major researches that there was no significant relationship between job satisfaction and work-family conflict. Work stress had a negative impact on job satisfaction and had a positive effect on turnover intention; work stress had a negative completely intermediary effect among work-family conflict and job satisfaction work and turnover intention; work stress issued from work-family conflict had a positive effect on turnover intention via job satisfaction. Finally, the corresponding measures were put forward to improve young employees’ job satisfaction.