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About the Collection
This collection contains graduate student theses and dissertations from the UNLV Department of Hospitality. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV theses and dissertations across all programs, visit the UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones collection.
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
A Choice model approach to business and leisure traveler's preferences for green hotel attributes, Michelle Millar
The Effects of gaming on residential real estate prices and sales: A case study of Las Vegas: 1990--2008, Christopher Alan Miller
The Utilization of a hybrid task technologyfit-technology acceptance model for the evaluation of hotel Guest Empowerment Technologies usage, Thomas Schrier
Determinants of academic achievement and intention to complete the program among PGA Golf Management students, Brian James Soule
Examining the influence of restaurant green practices on customer return intention, Audrey L. Szuchnicki
The AADERE model of progression in the hospitality and tourism industry: An empirical study of high-salaried Black managers, Ivan Benjamin Turnipseed
The Relationship between destination personality, self-congruity, and behavioral intentions, Ahmet Usakli
Improving casino profitability through effective offer packages, Ren Zhang