Volume 4, Number 1 (2010)
Changing perceptions in the justification of the use of the “N” word through community service work experiences: Offensive comments or terms of endearment?
August John Hoffman, Julie Wallach, Mark Graham, and Eduardo Sanchez
Pedagogies that foster transformative learning in a multicultural education course: A Reflection
Omiunota Nelly Ukpokodu
Realizing students’ every day realities: Community analysis as a model for social justice
Jeanette Haynes Writer and H. Prentice Baptiste
Cultural competency: A Viable approach to health disparities in urban schools
Sterling Saddler, A. Dexter Samuels, Roger Cleveland, and Tiffany G. Tyler
Advancing cultural competence and intercultural consciousness through a cross-cultural simulation with teacher candidates
Nancy P. Gallavan and Angela Webster-Smith
