Journal of Research in Technical Careers
Volume 1, Issue 2 (2017)
From the Editors Vol. 1, Iss. 2
JRTC Editors
Economic Attainment Patterns of College-Educated Women in Mid-Career: An Objective Indicator of Career Success
Hyojung Han and Jay W. Rojewski
Career and Technical Education for Sustainability: A Multiple Case Study of Innovative Community College Programs
James A. Gregson and Karen Ruppel
Promoting Active and Sustained School-Business Partnerships: An Exploratory Case Study of an IT Academy
Victor M. Hernandez-Gantes, Simone J. Brookins, and Edward C. Fletcher Jr.
Developing Multicultural Self-awareness Through a Transformative Learning Experience
Cynthia Bezard and Sara A. Shaw
Quality Indicators Guiding Secondary Career and Technical Education Programs of Study
Xue Xing, Sara Shaw, and Howard R. D. Gordon