"Learning Outcomes for Library Student Workers" by Jeanne M. Brown

Meeting name

4th Annual Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment

Meeting location

Charlottesville, VA

Document Type


Publication Date



Our Dean of Libraries, Patty Iannuzzi has indicated that employment in the library can and should offer value to the student worker beyond convenience and flexible hours. In her words, "The libraries are well positioned to add value to our students' work experience in ways that can contribute to their academic success. As one of the largest employers of student workers on campus, we owe this to our students. As an organization, we want to clearly send a message that we care about them as students -- not just our employees." In Spring 2011, the Libraries partnered with Campus Life to survey student workers concerning their perceived learning as a result of working in Campus Life and in the Libraries.


Academic libraries; Employer-supported education; Student library assistants


Design of Experiments and Sample Surveys | Library and Information Science | Multivariate Analysis


Additional Credits and Contributions

*Patricia Iannuzzi, Dean of Libraries: shared her vision that library student employment can become a "value-added" experience that creates long-term connections between library and student worker by addressing academic and workforce skills.

* SELG (Student Employee Leadership Group): responsible for developing, testing, and implementing the Student Assistant Development Program and the Student Assistant Professional Development Certificate. SELG works with UNLV campus units and throughout the University Libraries to provide development for student assistants in academic, professional, and personal areas, as well as baseline training in library functions. SELG chairs and members from 2010 onward are: Chairs: Ernesto Hernandez, Amanda Melilli, Rosan Mitola, and Greg Voelker; Members: Terry Deem, Carrie Gaxiola, Amy Hunsaker, Kim Kaplan, Katherine Keller, Pat McCarty, Marice Seda, and Yuko Shinozaki.

*Sunny Gittens, Director of Campus Life Assessment: invited the Libraries to join in their annual survey of learning outcomes for Campus Life student workers.

*UNLV Office of Information Technology and Academic Success Center: presented some of the training sessions. *Jeffrey Agne, Libraries Assessment Unit student worker: produced the poster.

Presented at: The 4th annual Library Assessment Conference, Charlottesville, VA, October 29-31, 2012
