"The Importance of Being Lean: Using Lean Principles and Tools to Impro" by John Novak and Richard J. W. Zwiercan

Meeting name

Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

Meeting location

Charleston, SC

Document Type


Publication Date



This presentation demonstrated how the UNLV University Libraries Acquisitions team is using Lean principles to analyze and improve acquisitions processes for firm and approval print and electronic monographic workflows. Lean process improvement is a system of concepts and tools to help an organization provide high value and high quality to our users in an efficient manner.

In this session, the presenters provided a brief overview of lean principles and how this system can be adapted to a library setting. The presenters showed working examples of Lean-specific tools, like a Value-Stream map, that helped improve the UNLV Libraries acquisitions process.


Academic libraries; Acquisitions (Libraries); Continuous improvement process; Lean manufacturing


Collection Development and Management | Library and Information Science
