"How to Deal with Published Maps in Your Collection" by Katherine Rankin

Meeting name

CIMA Conference

Meeting location

Carson City, NV

Document Type


Publication Date



This program is aimed at archivists and other special collections staff who have published maps as opposed to manuscript maps as part of their collections but do not have much expertise in map librarianship. The program includes information on kinds of maps, the basic parts of a map including those found mainly on pre-19th century maps, how to store and preserve maps, why they should be cataloged, how cataloging rare maps differs from cataloging current maps, why maps should be classified with a standard classification system, how Library of Congress call numbers can be used to locate certain kinds of maps for certain geographical areas, and how to date a map. Information will also be provided on how to do map exhibits and map digitization projects and how the information in bibliographic records for maps can be used in metadata for map digitization projects. UNLV’s map digitization project will be shown as an example and some online historical map collections will be discussed that patrons can be referred to and that may be useful in finding more information on maps in a library or museum’s collection. Examples will be provided of how various archival collections organize and store their maps. Discussion will be included on the ethical and cataloging issues of acquiring sheets that have been removed from atlases.


Archivists; Cataloging of maps; Classification; Classification—Maps; Classification; Library of Congress; Libraries; Libraries--Special collections; Map catalogers; Map librarians; Maps; Metadata


Archival Science | Cataloging and Metadata | Collection Development and Management | Library and Information Science
