"Research-based learning from the start: Developing undergraduate resea" by Anne E. Zald and Jennifer L. Fabbi

Meeting name

Creativity, Inquiry, and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In and Across the Disciplines

Meeting location

Durham, NC

Document Type


Publication Date



This presentation will:

- Describe the Faculty Institute for Research-Based Learning in High Impact Classes at UNLV –Goals and curriculum –Examples of impact to date

- Rough assessment of need to intentionally integrate research skills into curriculum at your institutions

- Action plan focusing on potential collaborators at your institutions


Library orientation; Library research; Research – Study and teaching; Undergraduates


Curriculum and Instruction | Information Literacy | Library and Information Science | Scholarly Communication


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Publisher Citation

Fabbi, J., & Zald, A. (2010, November). Research-based learning from the start: Developing undergraduate researchers. Presentation at Creativity, Inquiry, and Discovery: Undergraduate Research In and Across the Disciplines, Durham, NC.

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