"Hello. I’m Encore and I’m a WebPAC" by Kristen Costello and Priscilla Finley

Hello. I’m Encore and I’m a WebPAC

Meeting name

Meeting of the Innovative Users Group

Meeting location

Chicago, IL

Document Type


Publication Date



The University of Nevada Las Vegas Libraries implemented Innovative’s Encore next-generation search tool in July 2008, introducing the new search platform to casual users while continuing to make the powerful WebPAC functions available for power researchers. This poster session reveals how each member of this apparent odd couple complements the other, presents a strategy for explaining the contrasts between the two to patrons, and examines data from search logs to confirm that each tool is reaching its appropriate user base. Usability studies and staff surveys back up our findings. Stop by and discover how the two search tools compare!


Encore; Innovative Interfaces; Inc.; Online library catalogs


Library and Information Science


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Publisher Citation

Costello, K., & Finley, P. (2010, April). Hello. I’m Encore. And I’m a WebPAC. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Innovative Users Group, Chicago, IL.

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