Faculty research from the Mechanical Engineering department.


Submissions from 1995

Experimental verification of hydraulic robot for remote handling of HLNW, Samaan G. Ladkany, Shashidhar S. Channarayapatna, and Mohamed B. Trabia

Combining Interactive Modeling With Experiments in a Control Laboratory, Georg F. Mauer

Design of Fuzzy Logic Compensators for Complex Nonlinear Systems, Georg F. Mauer

Fuzzy Logic Controller for an ABS Braking System, Georg F. Mauer

Radiation and Convection Effects in a Drift Emplaced Nuclear Waste Container with Backfill, Samir F. Moujaes and A. Bhargava

Simulation and Evaluation of Passive Energy Technology in Residential Space, Samir F. Moujaes and Richard A. Brickman

Thermal Considerations in Vertically Emplaced High Level Nuclear Waste Containers, Samir F. Moujaes and Y. Lei

Thermal considerations in vertically emplaced high level nuclear waste containers, Samir F. Moujaes and Yao Lei

Pultruded Composite Structures for Pier, Sea Wall and Levy Applications, Brendan O'Toole and P. Roger McCombs

An Adaptive Finite-Element Model for Calculating Subsurface Transport of Contaminant, Darrell Pepper and D. E. Stephenson

Time-Split Finite Element Scheme for the PC, Darrell W. Pepper

Contaminated Groundwater Transport Using an Adaptive 3-D Finite Element Model, H Sethi and Darrell W. Pepper

Dynamic Feedback Linearization and Large Pitch Attitude Control of Satellite Using Solar Radiation Pressure, Sahjendra N. Singh and Woosoon Yim


Predictive end point trajectory control of elastic manipulator, Woosoon Yim and Sahjendra N. Singh


Trajectory control of flexible manipulator using macro-micro manipulator system, Woosoon Yim and Sahjendra N. Singh

Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference, Woosoon Yim and Sahjendra N. Singh

Submissions from 1994

Optimal Design of a Cold-Sea-Water Chiller, A. Bhargava, Mohamed Trabia, and Samir Moujaes

Maximizing 3-Phase Direct-Contact Heat-Exchanger Output, Richard A. Brickman and Robert F. Boehm

Experimental Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Over Drift-Emplaced Canisters, W. G. Culbreth and S. Pattisam

Review of Advanced Techniques for Waste Canister Labeling, William G. Culbreth, B. K. Bhagi, and A. Kanjerla


Long-Term Effects of Neutron Absorber and Fuel Matrix Corrosion on Criticality, William Culbreth and P. Zielinski

Multi-Barrier Borehole Canister Designs for a Tuff Repository, Dave E. James, R. L. Skaggs, and S. Mohansingh

Flow and Heat Transfer Around a Linear Array of Spheres, Barry Lloyd and Robert F. Boehm

Path-Planning of an Autonomous Vehicle Operating in an Unknown Environment Using a Fuzzy Logic Controller, William E. McCarthy and Mohamed Trabia

Simulation of Heat Transfer Around a Canister Placed Horizontally in a Drift, Samir F. Moujaes and A. Bhargava