"Lake Mead National Recreation Area Sensitive Wildlife Species Monitori" by Margaret N. Rees

Document Type


Publication Date



Public Lands Institute

Publisher Location

Las Vegas (Nev.)

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  • Tortoise and tortoise habitat monitoring was conducted on the Northshore Road construction project, on the Southern Nevada Water Authority intake pipe project, the Frontier Telephone-Willow Beach project and the movie film at Temple Bar.
  • A total of 25 tortoise education classes were given to 90 individuals.
  • Evaluation of 3 potential sites for relict leopard frog translocations conducted but sites were not recommended.
  • Head-starting and translocation efforts for relict leopard frogs continued. 1183 animals translocated so far this year.
  • Relict Leopard Frog Conservation Team meeting held and yearly report completed.
  • Continuation of data management and QA of GPS collar information from bighorn sheep to assess impacts of highway construction.
  • Peregrine Falcon surveys mostly completed; all previous sites evaluated and two new territories identified.
  • Shorebird surveys conducted twice per month during this quarter at 7 sites to monitor spring migration on Lakes Mead and Mojave.
  • Point count surveys to monitor songbird species conducted at 24 sites, plus call broad cast surveys for southwest willow flycatchers conducted at 4 sites on Lake Mojave.
  • Approximately 140 surveys for thrasher species completed county-wide as part of a research effort on these elusive birds.
  • Coordination and consultations conducted to begin preliminary analysis and modeling of thrasher habitat selection.

Controlled Subject

Bald eagle; Birds--Geographical distribution; Bighorn sheep--Behavior; Desert tortoise--Protection; Peregrine falcon; Desert tortoise; Habitat conservation; Peregrine falcon habitat; Southwestern willow flycatcher; Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Wildlife monitoring


Desert Ecology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Education | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Environmental Sciences | Life Sciences | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Science and Mathematics Education

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File Size

253 KB




Cooperative Agreement Number H8R07010001

Task Agreement Number J8R07050011


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