"Lake Mead National Recreation Area Sensitive Wildlife Species Monitori" by Margaret N. Rees

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Publication Date



Public Lands Institute

Publisher Location

Las Vegas (Nev.)

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Project 1. Relict Leopard Frog Monitoring, Management, and Research

  • Fall surveys completed at all natural and translocation sites.
  • Coordination for a potential translocation site on BLM lands in the Gold Butte area ongoing – the aim is that this site will be ready for translocations in 2008.
  • Coordination ongoing for evaluation of a translocation site on BLM lands in the Black Mountains, AZ – the plan is to complete compliance in 2008.
  • Coordination and assistance provided to UNLV research efforts on habitat improvements at Blue Point, Rogers, and Pupfish Refuge springs.
  • Relict Leopard Frog Conservation Team meeting held in December.
  • Draft annual report completed.
  • Annual Work Plan and Detailed Timeline associated with MSHCP project completed.
  • Data Management Plan associated with MSHCP project completed.

Project 2. Bald Eagle Winter Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Technical assistance provided for project consultations with Clark County. •
  • Preparations for the 2008 winter count initiated.

Project 3. Peregrine Falcon Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Technical assistance provided for project consultations with Clark County.
  • Peregrine falcon monitoring activities initiated in December to evaluate the onset of courtship activities.
  • Preparation for 2008 population surveys initiated.
  • Preparations to evaluate call-broadcast methodology initiated.

Project 4. Assessment of Six Covered and Three Evaluation Bird Species

  • Technical assistance provided for project consultations with Clark County.
  • Annual Work Plan and Detailed Timeline associated with MSHCP project completed.
  • Two Data Management Plans associated for companion MSHCP projects completed.
  • Selection and evaluation of field sites for intensive monitoring surveys initiated.
  • Work on thrasher modeling ongoing.

Project 5. Desert Tortoise Monitoring and Management.

  • Compliance activity completed.
  • Population surveys removed from a modification of this task agreement.

Project 6. Shorebird Monitoring on Lakes Mead and Mohave

  • Twenty-one surveys were conducted this quarter of monitored sites on Lakes Mead and Mohave.

Project 7. Desert Bighorn Sheep Habitat Use Monitoring in Relation to Highway Development.

  • GPS collars were released this quarter as programmed; efforts to retrieve these collars have been hampered by battery failures in both satellite and VHF units.

Other Activities

  • A part-time research assistant was hired to assist with compiling and assessing historical location data for targeted songbirds.

Controlled Subject

Bald eagle; Birds--Geographical distribution; Bighorn sheep--Behavior; Desert tortoise--Protection; Peregrine falcon; Desert tortoise; Habitat conservation; Peregrine falcon habitat; Southwestern willow flycatcher; Lake Mead National Recreation Area; Wildlife monitoring


Desert Ecology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Environmental Sciences | Life Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics

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256 KB




Cooperative Agreement Number: H8R07060001

Task Agreement Number: J8R07060012

Signatures have been redacted for privacy and security measures.


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