

China; International relations; United States


Asian History | Chinese Studies | Diplomatic History | International and Area Studies | International Relations | Political History | United States History


For this particular paper I seek to qualify the true nature of the Sino-American relationship as it has developed over the last quarter of the twentieth century. To more fully appreciate the complex relationship that evolved between such seemingly antithetical nations, I will critically review both James Mann‘s About Face: A History of America’s Curious Relationship with China, From Nixon to Clinton and Margaret MacMillan‘s Nixon and Mao: The Week that Changed the World. This paper will specifically focus on evaluating the similarities and inconsistencies between Mann‘s and MacMillan‘s theses, elucidate the structural differences between each author‘s arguments, and analyze each author‘s interpretation of specific events, leaders, and issues in order to establish a broader cohesive understanding of the modern Sino-American relationship.
