Factor structure of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery for Children: A supplemental report

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Applied Neuropsychology: Child





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The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (HRNB) is the first factor-analyzed neuropsychological battery and consists of three batteries for young children, older children, and adults. Halstead's original factor analysis extracted four factors from the adult version of the battery, which were the basis for his theory of biological intelligence. These factors were called Central Integrative Field, Abstraction, Power, and Directional. Since this original analysis, Reitan's additions to the battery, and the development of the child versions of the test, this factor-analytic research continued. An introduction and the adult literature are reviewed in Ross, Allen, and Goldstein (in press). In this supplemental article, factor-analytic studies of the HRNB with children are reviewed. It is concluded that factor analysis of the HRNB or Reitan-Indiana Neuropsychological Battery with children does not replicate the extensiveness of the adult literature, although there is some evidence that when the traditional battery for older children is used, the factor structure is similar to what is found in adult studies. Reitan's changes to the battery appear to have added factors including language and sensory-perceptual factors. When other tests and scoring methods are used in addition to the core battery, differing solutions are produced.


Factor analysis; Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery for Older Children; Neuropsychological assessment; Reitan-Indiana Neuropsychological Battery


Behavioral Disciplines and Activities | Medicine and Health Sciences | Mental and Social Health | Psychiatric and Mental Health | Psychiatry and Psychology | Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy | Psychological Phenomena and Processes




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