Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Counseling and Human Services
First Committee Member
Patricia A. Markos
Number of Pages
This study conducts a qualitative analysis of genograms based from a homeless population sample. The purpose of the study is to illustrate a pattern within the homeless population of a generational history of the conditions of traumatic experiences and addictions during childhood and young adulthood, prior to becoming homeless. This study is not intended to show causal relationships between the two conditions of homelessness, rather, a prior pattern of the two conditions; The data was collected by graduate students at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, during the student's advanced practicum/internship classes occurring in the final year of the master program; The data reported show a consistent and extensive history of the two conditions of trauma and addictions prior to becoming homeless, which includes the client's previous three generations. The significant condition is addictions, however, the condition of trauma is also extensive, particularly as reported by the female participants.
Addictions; Analysis; Genogram; Homelessness; Qualitative; Trauma
Controlled Subject
Public policy; Social service; Social psychology
File Format
File Size
3000.32 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
Moss, Lorraine K, "Homelessness: A qualitative genogram analysis of trauma and addictions" (2003). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 1498.
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