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This collection contains digitized versions of UNLV graduate student theses and dissertations produced between 1978-2008 and previously available only in print or microfilm. For theses and dissertations produced between 2009-present, visit the UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones collection.
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Activation of platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase by proinflammatory mediators, Mohammed Abdel-al
Mathematical model to simulate a hybrid lighting system, Ahmad Abu Heiba
Estimating the effect of the 2003 Illinois gaming tax restructuring on riverboat gaming volume, Mikael Ahlgren
Which way does your beard point tonight? Ginsberg's quest to resurrect Whitman's America, James Altman
The development and evaluation of a child maltreatment reporting training program for mandated mental health professionals, Krisann Marie Alvarez
Country lawyer in a maverick boom town: The legal career of Harry Claiborne, J. Bruce Alverson
A Cfd model to predict pressure loss coefficient in circular ducts with a motorized damper, Pallavi Annabattula
The characteristics, knowledge, and preparation levels of K--12 online distance educators in the United States, Leanna Matchett Archambault
Comparison of confidence intervals for binomial proportions, Narain Armbya
Modeling natural resource scarcity and poverty effects on fertility in Honduras, Nepal, and Tanzania, Ayoub Shaban Ayoub
Predicting evapotranspiration from sparse and dense vegetation communities in a semiarid environment using Ndvi from satellite and ground measurements, Malika Baghzouz
Synthesis and characterization of bulk and thin film antimony-selenium phase change alloys, Nirup Bandaru
Air void characteristics of air-entrained self-consolidating concrete, Mary Ellen Barfield
The "white-eyed" Eastern Towhee: A molecular assessment of the validity of Pipilo erythrophthalmus alleni, Jeremy Shawn Batten
The Development Of A Replicable Model For Implementation Of A High School Minimum Competency Program, Nils Golden Bayles
Exploratory study of construction safety culture through systems thinKing, Charles J. Jr Benford
Adult autism policy: An analysis of current policy and legislation in the US, Maren A Bennett
Enhanced detection of induced fluorescence from residual radioactive materials, Craig-Alan Crawford Bias
The effects of feedback protocol and learning environment perceptions on self -regulated learning, Kevin David Biesinger
Authenticity and love in "The Sun Also Rises" and "On the Road", Nate Botsis
Life history and population dynamics of Daphnia in seven ephemeral pools in Red Rock Canyon, Nevada, Priscilla Kathleen Bowman
Modeling the unsaturated zone at the Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Site: Effects of climate change and vegetation on flow conditions, Amanda Marie Brandt
The relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction of selected urban middle school teachers in the Clark County School District, Ouida Mildred Brown
Knowledge of personal energy requirements in college students, Aurora Maria Buffington
Analyzing cost and schedule growth in public works projects, Leslie Ann Burns
The Implications Of Milieu Upon Educational Administration, Margaret Elizabeth Draper Cahoon
Monitoring and modeling the performance of a solar powered hydrogen filling station, Mark R Campbell
Public advocacy by the Roman Catholic Church and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in the twenty-first century, Michele L Cannella
Examination of clinical and legal issues relevant to child maltreatment reporting, Alisha Marie Carpenter
The Relationships Of Selected Factors To Success In A College Reading Program, Corene Flowerette Walker Casselle
An analysis of the differential power of the Fake Bad Scale of the Mmpi-2, Nicole Ann Cavenagh
Analysis of the application of First Amendment jurisprudence to university student fees *policies, Christine Chairsell
Temperature and silicon effects on tensile and corrosion behavior of chronium-molybdenum steel, Hanumantha Rao Chava
Numerical analysis of the solid particle solar receiver with the influence of an air-jet, Zhuoqi Chen
The impact of promotion on inventory forecasting for an Asian wholesale corporation, Tzu-Chu Chien
Evaluation of photodynamic therapy-induced edema in the rat brain using magnetic resonance imaging, David Chighvinadze
Effects of pavement macrotexture on Pm(10) emissions from paved roads, Swarup China
Statistical modeling of skewed data using newly formed parametric distributions, Kahadawala Cooray
The treatment of minorities and women by southwestern courts and prisons, Donna Crail-Rugotzke
A study of California Community College student retention and persistence with Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (Eop&S), Leonard Marvin Crawford
A Study Designed To Investigate A New Dimension For Educational Accountability...Malpractice, Marshall Cloyd Darnell
The logic of movement: Consumption logistics on the Las Vegas Strip, Robert Dean
An estimation of the performance limits and improvement of dry cooling on trough solar thermal plants, Huifang Deng
Techniques for document image processing in compressed domain, Shulan Deng
Parametric study of self -consolidating concrete, Hamidou Diawara
Worksite schools: A study of cooperation between public education and private business, D. Janell Dietz
Aerodynamic optimization for low Reynolds number flight of a solar unmanned aerial vehicle, Louis Dube
The neurocognitive impairment associated with comorbid schizophrenia and Ptsd, Lisa Duke
The effects of mushroom body lobe disruption on learning and memory, Brian S Dunkelberger
Determining protein biomarkers for chemotherapeutic drug resistance in breast cancer, Shauna Durocher
Study of the interaction between hydrogen and carbon-based nanomaterials, Roberto Felix
Examination of the depression screening patterns of nurse practitioners, medical doctors, and physician assistants in primary care, Leslie Erin Feth
The nature of epistemic climates in elementary classrooms, Florian C Feucht
Sex and the agricultural transition: Dental health among early agricultural females, Misty Fields
The effects of different sport mouth guards on respiration rate and tidal volume at sub-maximal exercise level, Kevin Michael Finnegan
The athletic, academic, and social experiences of female intercollegiate team sport student-athletes, Jason Michael Frank
How subjective and objective memory, family history, and knowledge of Alzheimer's disease influence older adults' fear of developing Alzheimer's disease, Samantha Lyn French
The effects of automated essay scoring as a high school classroom intervention, Kathie L Frost
A multi -case study of teacher retention with veteran teachers in hard to staff schools, Jacqueline Lissette Garcia
Colonization and invasion of a lake drawdown in the Mojave Desert, Stephanie Dianne Gayvert
A Comparison Of Two Approaches To Teaching Public Speaking At The Community College Level, Harvey Allen Godorov
The Three Saras, Peter Golub
Implementation of JPEG compression and motion estimation on FPGA hardware, Ramakrishna Gopalakrishnan
Cooperative extension and the practical education needs of Clark County citizens, Sonya S Greene
Poppe Culture, Jaq Greenspon
Learning in the context of math anxiety, Michelle Melissa Guillaume
An exploratory study of Proximal Mentoring in graduate education, Susan E Gunn
Self-stabilizing protocol for anonymous oriented bi-directional rings under unfair distributed schedulers with a leader, Chitwan Kumar Gupta
Interleukin-10 inhibits cytokine-mediated synergistic release of interleukin-6 in astrocytoma cells, Liliya V Harizanova
Development and empirical analysis of a self-advocacy readiness scale with a university sample, Katrina R Harris
Investigating shear capacity of RC beam-column joints using artificial intelligence techniques, Eslam Mohamed Alnaji Hassan Khalifa
Funding sources implementing technology standards in rural schools, Johnathan David Hawk
Temporal orientation and consumer empowerment: Examining a Las Vegas casino loyalty program, Flavia Hendler
Optimal foraging theory and early Archaic plant use at North Creek Shelter, Sara C Hill
Competency-Based Testing In Nevada: Perceptions Of Legislators, School District Superintendents, Local School Board Presidents And Third Grade Teachers, Nicholas J Horn
Irony as a mode of political engagement, Daniel Ladislau Horvath
Intra -institutional collaborations: Academic and continuing education departments on campus, Amy Lynn Hyams
A comparison of social skills training approaches on preschool teacher and child behaviors, Keith J Hyatt
On breaking ground: Second language literacy and language learning through sociocultural practices, Ana Christina Iddings
XML-based implementation of a bibliographic database and recursive queries, Kirankumar Jayakumar
Implementation of recursive queries for information systems, Jayalakshmi Jeyaraman
The determinants of financial structure: Evidence from Chinese listed hospitality companies, Hong Jiang
Preparing special educators: Infusing multicultural educational practices and lesson planning in pre-student teaching fieldwork, Tyi-Sanna Jones
Implementation of BMA based motion estimation hardware accelerator in HDL, Nachiket Jugade
Magnetohydrodynamics in microchannels and adhesion properties of nanoporous alumina films, Hussameddine Kabbani
Titanium hydride up to 90 GPA: Synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies, Patricia E Kalita
Solution of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow problems using meshless Radial Basis Function method, Nagamani Devi Kalla
Analysis and evaluation of the impact of the length of left-turn lane on signalized intersection delays, Nitin Kalsi
Test suite prioritization techniques applied to Web-based applications, Vani Kandimalla
Preventing campus alcohol abuse: A controlled comparison of two media programs, Jennifer Dawn Karmely
Critical introductions to pioneering works of social realism from the early Abbey Theatre, John C Kerrigan
The effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid based photodynamic therapy and photochemical internalization of bleomycin on the F98 rat glioma cell line, Khishigzaya Kharkhuu
Reactions of iodine and iodate with sphagnum peat: An examination of kinetics and pH dependence, Ginger Marie Kimble
Performance, perception, and choice of animated pedagogical agent, Kevin Kirk
Pilot Study Of Work Values Of Poor Versus Non-Poor Service Workers In Nevada, Freda Klein