Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Committee Member

Neil D. Opfer

Number of Pages



The Las Vegas Metropolitan Area is the fastest growing large urban area in the United States. Between 1990 and 2000, the population expanded 83.3 percent. To meet the growing population in the Las Vegas Valley, local agencies struggle to construct public facilities such as community centers, schools, municipal buildings and transportation facilities. The most common construction contracting method being used by local agencies consists of local municipalities hiring a design professional, usually an architect or engineer, under one contract, and then bidding the construction services out to a general contractor; An innovative form of construction contracting now exist, where only one entity provides an owner with both the design and construction services needed to meet the needs of an owner. Thus, there is no need for a bidding process, and the owner is provided with both design and construction services under one contract from a single source. This form of construction contracting has become known as the Design-Build Contracting Method; The goal of the research is to two-fold; first, to analyze the weaknesses of the statutes currently in use in Nevada and compare them with other states that are successfully using Design-Build, and second, to suggest improvements to the statutes intending to make Design-Build an option to be considered by public agencies when starting a new project.


Agencies; Arizona; Build; Compared; Design; Methods; Nevada; Public; Southern; Utah

Controlled Subject

Civil engineering

File Format


File Size

4444.16 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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