Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Social Work
First Committee Member
J. Nakhaima
Number of Pages
This research into transracial adoptions indicated that White homes for Black children are a viable adoption resource. In this society Black children who are free for adoption require extra attention from agencies for adoption. The focus of the study was on White homes for Black children, and the racial issues in the community and agency which influenced placement practices; Findings indicated that the community and the agency both were favorably disposed to transracial placements in general, and the study yielded information on racial opinions from both groups. Racially mixed families were socially accepted by the community and the agency. These findings were then compared to the numbers of potential adoptive homes in the community which expressed interest in a transracial placement; The community in this study was found to be receptive to transracial adoption, and there were homes available for such placements.
Adoption; Alternative; Solution; Transracial
Controlled Subject
Social service; Social psychology
File Format
File Size
2519.04 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
Hardy, Kitty Lynn, "Transracial adoptions: An alternative solution" (1991). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 169.
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