Award Date
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member
Darrell Pepper
Number of Pages
The development of an accurate hydraulic model of a complex natural gas system is a great challenge for the engineers working to improve an existing system, determining a long-term system expansion or just performing every-day operational studies; This thesis reviews the fundamental concepts of network analysis, equations, solution techniques, model types, and their applicability; Further, the process of developing a multilevel model of a high-pressure natural gas system is described. Emphasis is given on the innovative concepts employed in the model development such as GIS integration, use of actual parameters for more accurate modeling of valves, regulators and compressors, derivation of load profiles based on multiple linear regression analyses, and data exchange with external applications; Model characteristics such as response time and system imbalance are analyzed and quantified. The last part of the thesis describes the implementation of the model.
Development; Gas; High; Implementation; Model; Multilevel; Pressure
Controlled Subject
Mechanical engineering
File Format
File Size
3153.92 KB
Degree Grantor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Repository Citation
Penev, Penio Delev, "Development and implementation of a multilevel high-pressure gas model" (2005). UNLV Retrospective Theses & Dissertations. 1900.
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