Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Engineering (ME)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Committee Member

Mohamed S. Kaseko

Number of Pages



Unsignalized midblock pedestrian crossings are one of the critical components of arterial streets designed to provide for safer crossing locations for pedestrians. These crossings are often placed between signalized intersections that are far apart. However when arterial segments with such crossings are being analyzed or designed, the effect of the crossings was not normally taken into consideration. This is primarily due to the inability of current traffic software in modeling these locations; The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of midblock pedestrian crossings on the measures of effectiveness of arterial traffic flow using a computer simulation model. The research proposed modeling the midblock pedestrian crossing as an actuated uncoordinated signalized intersection. The study also focused on developing a methodology that can be used for designing optimal signal coordination on arterial segments with unsignalized midblock pedestrian crossings; The case study location was a segment of Maryland Parkway corridor between Flamingo Road and Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas, near the UNLV Campus. This segment has existing midblock crossings at Del Mar Avenue and East University Avenue; As expected, there was significant impact on arterial traffic travel times, delays, queue length, number of stops due to midblock pedestrian crossings. In order to improve the arterial performance optimization of offsets that included the midblock pedestrian crossing was done. However, the resulting measures of effectiveness of arterial traffic were not improved relative to the existing offsets.


Arterial; Crossings; Effects; Evaluation; Midblock; Modeling; Pedestrian; Traffic

Controlled Subject

Civil engineering

File Format


File Size

3256.32 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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