Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Sports Education Leadership

First Committee Member

Doris L. WatSon

Number of Pages



The increasing incidence of childhood obesity in preschool children places them at risk for related chronic health issues. Physical activity contributes to better health, and understanding physical activity opportunities for preschool children may help address the obesity epidemic. The purpose of this study was to describe the physical activity opportunities of 3-5 year old children in Southern Nevada. Surveys were distributed to child care centers (n=84) to determine the amount of time accumulated in structured versus unstructured play, outdoor versus indoor play, and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and what equipment and facilities were available to children. Descriptive statistics from the surveys revealed 3-5 year old children accumulated 60 minutes or more in outdoor free play, while less than 60 minutes of structured outdoor play and MVPA were reported. Similarly, children accumulated 60 minutes or more of indoor free play, while less than 60 minutes accumulation of structured play and MVPA were reported. Checklist items also provided information regarding indoor and outdoor equipment provided during play time.


Activity; Care; Centers; Child; Description; Nevada; Opportunities; Physical; Southern

Controlled Subject

Physical education and training; Health education; Early childhood education

File Format


File Size

1546.24 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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