"Worksite schools: A study of cooperation between public education and" by D. Janell Dietz

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Committee Member

Paul Meacham

Number of Pages



The development of business/educational partnerships in the United States has accelerated in the last few years, fueled in large part by industry concerns over a projected scarcity of future workers who are effectively equipped for the demands of a workforce in an evolving technological environment. This has been accompanied by rising concern over parental choice in the matter of what schools their children will attend; Lankard (1995) has opined that in the new economy where school and work are intertwined, it is increasingly apparent that a dual approach to public school reform has appeal, and such partnerships will continue to be indicative of the nation's attempts to improve the quality of education provided to its citizens. One such illustrative example is the worksite school. In 1987 the American Banker's Group in Dade County, Florida created the nation's first worksite school, defined as public schools located on the private property of its host corporation (Beales, 1990); This study utilized quantitative research methodology incorporating a descriptive research design (Gall, 1996 et. al., Gay, 1996, McMillan and Schumacher, 1997) to examine policies and practices of worksite schools in the United States and to identify resources, practices, and incentives that are considered to be necessary elements of a successful operation. Site based management theory was utilized as the focus of the conceptual framework, as it is the essential tool of reform and restructuring which helped form the basis for worksite schools (Caldwell, 1990; Caldwell and Spinks, 1988; David, 1989; Dimmick, 1993; Mohrman and Wohlstetter, 1994); The important interpersonal skills found necessary to successfully operate a worksite school included teamwork, with consistent communication and curriculum planning between the host corporation and school. Over 75 percent of those surveyed also agreed that the corporation should provide the initial landscaping and building, as well as on-going technology and training assistance. Zoned as other public schools in the school district involved, consensus was also that children living in the area should be allowed to attend the worksite school, with first priority given to employees of the host corporation.


Business; Business-education Partnerships; Cooperation; Education; Private; Private Business; Public; Public Education; Reform; Schools; Study; Worksite; Worksite Schools

Controlled Subject

Business education; School management and organization

File Format


File Size

4741.12 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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