Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Committee Member

Gerald C. Kops

Number of Pages



The purpose of this dissertation was to compare the mechanism utilized by the State of Nevada to fund its community colleges with the models used by other selected states to fund their two-year institutions. The comparison states that were chosen represented peer institutions of Nevada community colleges or systems held in high regard by the American Association of Community Colleges; These selected states, as well as Nevada, face difficult fiscal challenges funding their two-year colleges. Not only is there increasing competition for limited state resources, but virtually all of the states are projecting budget shortfalls due to the slowing economy; Nevada is among the majority of states that continues to use a funding formula to determine the amount of funds appropriated to community colleges. Currently, Nevada funds approximately 80% of the formula. This ranks below most of the comparison states involved in this study. Community college leaders in Nevada agree that the formula is not adequately funded; The guidelines used by the comparison states to fund their two-year colleges were analyzed with the goal of improving the funding mechanism for community colleges in Nevada. The results of the study indicated that two key areas in which Nevada fell below the other states were access to local tax revenues and tuition rates. Unlike most of the selected states, Nevada did not use local taxes as a funding source. In addition, Nevada's tuition was lower than the average cost for the other community college systems. Both of these revenue sources offer alternatives for improvement of Nevada's funding mechanism; Aside from the two areas identified above, Nevada community college officials interviewed asked for changes in the current funding formula. Included in the recommended revisions were to increase the full-time/part-time faculty funding ratio, provide enhancements to the instruction formula, and increase funding for technology and equipment needs; Community colleges in Nevada are expected to experience continued enrollment growth and play a prominent role in the economic development of their local communities. Without increased funding support, the chances for success will be limited.


Colleges; Community; Community College; Comparative; Funding; Mechanisms; Nevada; Selected; State; States; Study

Controlled Subject

Education--Finance; Community colleges

File Format


File Size

3348.48 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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