Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Committee Member

Dale G. Andersen

Number of Pages



The Boyer model is a well-recognized format chosen by many universities as a guide for leave, rank and tenure criteria, and for rewarding activities by faculty. Given a past, brief association with this model by faculty and administration at Southern Utah University, and the continuing need for a comprehensive review of scholarly effort in the institution, this study was undertaken to gauge the level of understanding of Boyer's model and his four scholarships, satisfaction with present policies, and attitudes toward change. The aim was to explore the use of a questionnaire as an instrument to measure knowledge and attitudes, to compare responses campus-wide and among various colleges, and to recommend a future direction for gathering more information that would help the university focus on the Boyer model; For convenience, all tenured and tenure-track faculty and administration were asked to respond to a questionnaire consisting of Likert-type questions with ordinal scale responses. Responses to questions, singly or in groups corresponding to several research questions, were analyzed with non parametric statistical tests; Although the number of returned questionnaires was a small percentage of the total disseminated to university personnel, the numbers received were representative of at least colleges within the university. Responses indicated that the majority of respondents had knowledge of and were amenable to incorporation of the Boyer model in criteria developed at department-level for faculty reward policies. Although clearly interested in change, the majority, were not at all interested in a one-size-fits-all set of criteria. Communication among various levels within the university, from within departments to among colleges, seemed to be lacking and this appeared to be critical to attitudinal differences among colleges on the issues of change and implementation of new criteria for rewarding faculty; Recommendations for further investigation of people's attitudes included modifications to the questionnaire and its dissemination, finding ways to increase returns by more personal contact with faculty and administrators, and providing more information about the model with administrative support.


Assessing; Boyer; Boyer Model; Faculty; Implementing; Model; Perspectives; Reward Policies

Controlled Subject

Education, Higher; School management and organization

File Format


File Size

4423.68 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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