Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership

First Committee Member

Teresa Jordan

Number of Pages



This policy analysis reviewed the needs assessment process for the formation of five recently opened and publicly-supported state colleges. The analysis revealed how public policy, higher education goals and objectives, and statewide resources and politics become engaged and intertwined in the creation of a new public middle-tier state college. This comparative case study examined the needs assessment process used in the creation of five recently opened colleges for effectiveness: CSU Monterrey Bay, CSU Channel Islands, Central Oregon University, Florida Gulf Coast University and Nevada State College HenderSon The analysis focused on four principal dimensions taken from the extant literature relevant to the determination of need. The four dimensions were: (1) the calculation and analysis of academic demand for a new institution; (2) the availability of state financial resources; (3) the consideration of alternatives, and (4) the role of politics in the decision making process; The analysis of the four critical dimensions of need for each of the state colleges included the construction of a rubric to depict how each college fared in a comparison of the effectiveness of their planning process. Finally, based on the findings of the cross case analysis, a "best practices model" was developed and recommended as a potential needs assessment process for states to consider when deliberating whether or not to bring a new college on line.


College Formation; College; Comparing; California; Five; Florida; Formation; Nevada; Opened; Oregon; State; State Colleges; Study

Controlled Subject

Education, Higher; School management and organization; Education--Finance

File Format


File Size

6123.52 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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