Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Pearl Brewer

Number of Pages



Travel meta search engines have great potential to alter the travel landscape. Although their current booking impact is relatively low, these new entrants are well-funded, growing quickly, and gaining consumer visibility (Christodoulidou, Connolly, and Brewer, 2006). This research (a) explored whether travel meta sites are an opportunity or a threat to travel intermediaries, (b) examined the transactional relationship between travel meta sites, travel intermediaries, and their suppliers, and (c) compared the consumer's perceptions regarding travel meta sites and travel intermediaries; To examine the role of meta sites in the travel industry and the transactional relationships an information rich-case study approach was used. The results were triangulated using personal interviews with subjects-matter experts from the travel industry, document analysis, and a review of the literature. The outcomes of these studies revealed that the travel intermediaries should consider establishing partnerships with meta search engines now, while they are in a position of power to leverage an opportunity. In addition, these research findings can act as a guide as to how travel meta sites and travel intermediaries should structure and maintain relationships with their suppliers. In order to examine consumer's perceptions, an online survey was used to identify whether travel meta sites provide additional benefits for the customer over travel intermediaries. Factor analysis was used to identify the groupings and the measures of the customer's perceptions. MANOVA was then performed to identify any significant differences in consumer behavior. Finally ANOVA was conducted to see whether travel meta sites and travel intermediaries, affect the factors of ease of use, intrinsic value, extrinsic value, loyalty, and decision autonomy.


Electronic Commerce; Intermediaries; Managing Meta Sites; Meta Sites; Relationship; Sites; Travel

Controlled Subject

Marketing; Management; Educational technology

File Format


File Size

1781.76 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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