Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum and Instruction

First Committee Member

Tom Bean

Second Committee Member

Cyndi Giorgis

Number of Pages



The purpose of the study was to present multiple perspectives (multi-case design) that define pre-service teachers reading perceptions. This study sought to understand prior experiences that defined pre-service teachers' reading perceptions and to understand how response-based explorations in a children's literature course informed and influenced their existing perceptions of reaDing This study employed a qualitative methodology and was framed by reader response, teacher knowledge and preparation literature, and a socio-constructivist perspective. Data sources included pre- and post-course interviews, course assignments, participant's reflection journals, and researcher's log with analytical memos. Open and axial coding as described by Strauss and Corbin (1998) were utilized to uncover the prior experiences and influence of response-based exploration on pre-service teachers' perceptions of reading; Study findings suggest that pre-service teachers do enter into their preparation programs with a wide variety of experiences that have already influenced their beliefs and perceptions of reaDing Regardless of previous studies stating that teacher education courses often do not make a difference for pre-service teachers, and that they often revert to teach the way they were taught, this was not revealed to be the case. The multi-case study findings indicate that pre-service teachers' perceptions of reading can be influenced through reflection on their prior experiences, participation in response-based explorations, and through exposure of multiple-perspectives with fellow students and the course instructor. It is here where pre-service teachers' serious consideration of the role of children's literature as a literary form in their own lives, as well as those of their future students, becomes a reality.


Analysis; Based; Bumps; Case; Elementary; Experiences; Elementary Influence; Inform; Literature; Literature-based; Navigating Perceptions Preservice Teachers; Preservice Teachers; Reader Response; Reading; Response; Road; Service; Teacher Training

Controlled Subject

Teachers--Training of; Individualized reading instruction; Education, Elementary; Language arts

File Format


File Size

5396.48 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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