Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Committee Member

Brad Donohue

Number of Pages



Alcohol misuse on university and college campuses has contributed to a variety of problems experienced by students, including driving injuries and fatalities, alcohol poisoning, academic failure, potential long-term alcohol abuse, and risky or nonconsensual sexual activity. This investigation examined the efficacy of two prevention programs targeting campus alcohol misuse (Alcohol 101; Collegiate Guide to Responsible Drinking, CGRD). Alcohol 101 disseminates information regarding the consequences of alcohol abuse in a psycho-educational, interactive DVD format. CGRD includes some DVD-based psycho-educational material while primarily focusing on empirically derived cognitive behavioral techniques. Ninety-two participants recruited from university psychology courses were randomly assigned to receive one of the experimental prevention programs immediately after their completion of a battery of standardized baseline measures relevant to their use of alcohol. The same assessment battery was re-administered 30 days after program completion. Both programs demonstrated significant reductions in the amount and frequency of alcohol use for both days post-program completion. Participants in both prevention programs improved significantly in their knowledge of the physical effects of alcohol misuse and self-regulation of alcohol. Consumer satisfaction scales indicated relatively high scores for participants in both prevention programs (i.e., CGRD, Alcohol 101). These results suggest both prevention programs may assist in reducing alcohol use. However, because study findings indicated similar reductions in alcohol use between participants in both prevention groups, it is possible significant reductions in alcohol use may have been due to extra-treatment factors associated with the passage of time. Future directions are discussed in light of the study's findings.


Abuse; Abuse Prevention; Alcohol; Alcohol Abuse; Binge Drinking; Campus; College Students; Comparison; Controlled; Media; Outcome Study; Prevention; Programs

Controlled Subject

Behaviorism (Psychology); Education, Higher

File Format


File Size

1146.88 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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