Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Foundations and Counseling

Number of Pages



The purpose of this study was to identify those characteristics which make up an appropriate work attitude among officials and managers in a Resort Industry setting. Upon identification of these management characteristics, acceptable guidelines would be followed to develop an objective instrument to assess management work attitudes which might help reduce job turnover, thereby reducing the costs incurred in replacing key executives; An attitude scale was chosen because instruments which measure intelligence, aptitude and achievement favor those individuals with more formal education than found among managers in the resort industry. In addition, research indicated that an appropriate work attitude increases work performance at all management levels; The study was conducted in one of America's largest privately-owned corporations, Summa Corporation. The sole owner, Howard Hughes, controlled everything through Summa Corporation, headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Recreational Group, one of Summa's divisions, was selected as the population to be sampled, since it is responsible for managing all the hotels/casinos throughout Nevada and the Bahamas; A pilot study was conducted among 50 managers to evaluate the instrument's usability before administering the instrument to a 28% random sample of 511 possible management level positions. The reliability of the inventory was found to be .85 using Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha; The inventory was administered to a 21% sample of first, middle, and top managers. Coefficient Alpha's for all groups were above .80. In addition, a one-way Analysis of Variance of the three managment groups indicated no significant differences (at the .05 level) in management work attitude between first, middle, and top managers; The findings of this investigation suggested the following possibilities: (1) Administer this instrument to all potential incoming managers and compare their scores with the scores achieved by the managers in this study. (2) Do a follow-up study on management group in this study to ascertain if management work attitude had an appreciable change. (3) Administer the instrument to management groups in other resort corporations to determine any difference between such managers and those tested at Summa Corporation.


Assessment; Attitudes; Hotel; Job; Managers; Officials; Respect; Selected; Study

Controlled Subject

Educational tests and measurements

File Format


File Size

2631.68 KB

Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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